Creating customer ambassadors is a passion at telsmart
There is a high standard that expects you to give more than what the market expects – every day. Just so you know, even we sometimes make mistakes – because we work with people who are allowed to do so.

E.S.S. principle
Our non-negotiable standard
We hold respect for each other in very high regard. ie we talk to each other in a constructive way even if the circumstances are challenging. This makes the working atmosphere much more pleasant.
Giving without expectations
The secret of being happy is learning to give without expecting anything in return If you can sincerely put “I” in 2nd place, you will be surprised how your life positively changes and how much peace you bring to your mind.
Creating friendly relationships with our customers, i.e. not just calling them when you want to sell something. But also just calling or popping in to ask how things are going. Harmony is very important for a Telsmartie. So also as a group we aim to create super strong (friendly relationships) with each other! Because after all, we spend 50% of our time together anyway so then it better be superfun!
Positivity is a strategy! There are always things that go wrong in a business and we want to focus 80% on solutions and 20% on the problem. If negativity comes knocking at the door, we don’t open the door. If a colleague is struggling and gets into a complaining mode, we are going to consciously help this person change their focus by asking constructive questions that will help them get into a ”beautiful state.” We are determined to push enormous positivity into the world together every day to make customers happy. Positivity, gratitude and love will ALWAYS win over negativity, hatred and selfishness.
Everyone should always say their opinion in a respectful way. We like frank conversations with respect for each other where always 100% the result comes first. Everyone’s voice/opinion is important.
Being honest begins at first that you are always honest and do not delude yourself. If you can do that, you can also always be sincere and honest to your fellow human beings. The quality of your results will be greatly enhanced by this!
We don’t like hierarchy and bosses. Here, TEAM ( Together Everyone Achieves More) reigns supreme. Telsmarties are people who all live for the same reason – to be happy! We go for 100% happy people!!! Here you don’t work ‘for’ a company, but everyone works together on a success project!
Everyone can/should remain themselves. Stay who you are and show your qualities in your way. We do not overvalue the opinions of others. What makes you create enormous peace in your head! Dare to share your ideas and solutions! Every success has always started with an idea!
At Telsmart, we are ridiculously ambitious and believe in making the impossible possible! I.e. growth is very fast and as a Telsmartie, you must also want to grow with it and constantly go outside your comfort zone. Learn, grow, learn, grow ….
Ultimate vision is to make customer ambassadors i.e. you must constantly surprise yourself and your customer to make both happy. At Telsmart, we are passionate about how we can give more to the customer than they expect from us. We always want to positively surprise each other and ourselves by striving for perfection. Surprise prospects, customers and colleagues positively with enthusiasm and passion in everything you do!
Ambassador testimonials
KBC verzekeringen Assecure
DVV verzekeringen Vandebuerie

Life changes are not about ‘being able to’
but about ‘being willing to’.

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Contact Telsmart today.